Announcing: The Quiet Life community!

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Announcing: The Quiet Life community!

If you love quiet, depth, and beauty…please read

Dear Reader,

Do you long to live a quiet life?

As a quiet and/or sensitive and/or thoughtful person, do you want to learn how to finally, truly, use the unique powers you were born with?

Would you like a place to interact with me, and with many other kindred spirits?


If you answered yes to these questions, I have big news to share. The Quiet Life community is coming soon!!

I’ve been dreaming of creating something like this for YEARS. And now it’s almost here.

In a couple of weeks, I’ll let you know how you can sign up….and join in.

For now, let me tell you about some of the things you’ll have access to, via our new community:

  • Sunday chats: we’ll come together on various Sundays to collectively light a candle, play some music, and have a chat on selected topics
  • AMAs with me
  • Periodic “voicemails” from me, in which I’ll share thoughts, read poetry to you, and encourage you to adopt life-nourishing habits
  • Practices designed to elevate your mood, improve your health, and help you tune into joy and beauty
  • Members-only Zoom gatherings in which I’ll interview authors, thinkers, and other kindred spirits; you’ll be able to ask questions and participate, if you like
  • Written posts from me on poetry, art, psychology, spirituality, etc.
  • The ability to respond to my posts and prompts, and interact with other members of the community
  • Help me write my next book (which is on spirituality). I’ll periodically ask you to answer questions I’m exploring; to share your ideas and stories (some of which might make it into the book); and to get sneak previews of my writing process.
  • Interact with artists, writers, and musicians I’ll select, who will curate their work for you
  • Archive of Kindred Letters you’ve missed, on topics including: "How to Overcome the Fear of 'Putting Yourself Out There'"; "Do you Dislike Small Talk? Here's a Better Way to Network"; and "Why Beauty Matters, Even When Your Life is Falling Apart"
  • Whatever else we dream up! This is an ongoing, ever-evolving project, that you and I will co-create as we go. Some of the above will no doubt fall away, and other items will be added, as we figure out, together, what works best.


Here’s how I hope your life will be different, after a year in the Quiet Life community. You will:

  • Love yourself (and therefore others) more
  • Feel more comfortable in your own skin
  • Have made progress on your creative projects and dreams
  • Have found a warm and supportive collection of kindred spirits
  • Know a lot more about art, poetry, psychology, spirituality, and wellbeing, than you did when you started
  • Have adopted habits to help you elevate your mood and get you more attuned to joy, beauty and transcendence
  • Have discovered and learned to use *your* particular superpowers
  • Learned to thrive as your true self
  • Be physically and emotionally healthier
  • Have developed a loving relationship with your childhood self, in a way that empowers your adult self

I could go on and on…but will stop here. :) If you’re interested in joining the Quiet Life community, you’ll have the chance to sign up in a couple of weeks.

And in the meantime, if you have ideas for how to design the community, and how to make it thrive, you can share those, as usual, by replying to this email. I welcome all your thoughts!! (Please know that I probably won’t be able to reply to most of your letters, but I do plan to read them all. 😊)

Thank you for everything, and more soon!



P.S. No Kindred Letter next week, as I'll be celebrating (American) Thanksgiving with my family. See you in two weeks. :)

Do you know someone who wants to live a life of quiet, depth, and beauty? If so, please share this Kindred Letters newsletter! It's meant for them!

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The purpose of my work is to help you to make changes in and to better understand your life, through supportive guidance. The information I offer is for educational purposes only, and is based on my life and work experience as a writer, researcher, and speaker. By participating in my talks or consulting sessions, joining my courses and podcasts, or reading my books, newsletters or other writings, you acknowledge that I am not a licensed psychologist, medical doctor or mental health care professional, and that my services don’t constitute medical or psychological advice; they also don’t replace the advice offered by these professionals! Thank you so much for being here, and I wish you all good things.

The Kindred Letters: Join 525K Subscribers

For introverts, and all kindred spirits who prefer quiet to loud, depth to superficiality, and sensitivity to cool.

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